Company information, investment reports, product info, financial & industry overviews, create your own charts and graphs.
Databases for Business and Professional Studies
Business Source Complete
Scholarly business journals, company reports by Datamonitor, industry profiles, case studies, and trade publications.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship is a comprehensive database that covers all aspects of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more. It combines authoritative periodical and reference content to support prospective and current entrepreneurs as well as business students.
Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship
Provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories for business schools and entrepreneurs.
Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism
Provides access to topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. Hospitality and Tourism offers current and relevant content on both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.
Gale OneFile: Insurance and Liability
This collection addresses concerns over the protection of assets, physical or intellectual, ranging from the individual property owner to multinational corporations. Insurance and Liability connects researchers to hundreds of thousands of updated articles from leading journals.
Historical Encyclopedia of American Business
The Historical Encyclopedia of American Business features long overviews on different sectors of the economy, such as agriculture and banking; individual industries such as advertising and electronics; and general topics such as business cycles, labor strikes and outsourcing. There are also overviews on broad legal topics such as antitrust legislation, bankruptcy laws and patent laws.
Homeland Security Digital Library
The HSDL collection provides quick access to important U.S. policy documents, presidential directives, and national strategy documents as well as specialized resources such as theses and reports from various universities, organizations and local and state agencies. HSDL content includes state-of-the-art multi-media offerings and other valuable assets. This database is accessible from the BCC campus network, or you can request an individual HSDL account.
Regional Business News
Regional Business News incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Wall Street Journal
Create a free account to access the Wall Street Journal via your browser and/or the Wall Street Journal app on your tablet and phone. Full text of the Wall Street Journal is available from four years prior to the present day. Once your account is created, you can log in to the Journal website at or on the app using the email and password you provided when creating your account.